The Madison Area Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Development Commission have partnered with the Madison Public Library on a project called StoryWalk®, an innovative and delightful way for children and adults to enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time. StoryWalk was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT in 2007 and grew with hundreds of libraries creating their own versions nationwide. The goal of the program is simple: promoting literacy and movement by taking pages from one children’s book and spreading them out over a distance. More about the project and its origins can be found here.

There are 18 businesses in the immediate downtown area that are hosting at page of our StoryWalk® book, The Curious Garden by Peter Brown. Storybook pages are displayed in the storefront windows and will be in place from April 29 – May 13. Those readers participating in the StoryWalk® can advance from business to business reading The Curious Garden as they enjoy our vibrant downtown. A custom Google map, so the public can follow along, has been created…. just scan the QR code in the below flyer and Read Along! Have Fun!