Established in 1896, the Thursday Morning Club (TMC) is the largest (~250 members) women’s club in New Jersey and also one of the oldest. We are both a social and public-spirited organization. TMC works with many local organizations for the benefit of Madison and our surrounding communities, but our greatest gift to the community is the Madison Community House which we own and operate. The TMC club motto is Ich Dien (I Serve) which we take very seriously. The women of TMC have a proud tradition of identifying needs in our community. A few of our past accomplishments include:
“Friends of the Library” in 1927 and the “Shade Tree Commission”, both now free-standing community organizations.
TMC hired Madison’s first visiting nurse and started the first Kindergarten program. These services were eventually taken over by the Town of Madison.
TIME OUT Adult Day Care Center was sponsored by the TMC and opened in 1988 and is still in operation today (Harmony House on Division Avenue, Madison)
In 1960, TMC opened a Nursery School (now Preschool), a 5 day/all day program.
In 2000, the TMC organized a Before and After School Program (BASCC) that, today, serves over 200 children in Madison’s 3 elementary Schools and is managed by TMC.
The TMC is part of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC) and we support various international and state projects sponsored by the GFWC and NJSFWC, such as:
Jersey Battered Women Services
Family Promise
Prevent Child Abuse NJ (PCA of NJ)
National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)
Court Appointed Special Advocates of NJ (CASA of NJ)
We offer many opportunities for our members to socialize with cultural and educational monthly programs. In response to member’s interests, we are striving to add more evening and weekend programs. As GFWC says, “We enhance the lives of others through volunteer service” and thus, enrich our own!